Wednesday, August 07, 2013


As I was showering, Anna came into the bathroom and asked, "Is this fancy enough?" I looked, and she was holding up a summer dress. "Fancy enough for what?" Then I reconsidered my answer, and said "Yes," which in my experience is usually the right answer to such questions.

But apparently my answer was not satisfactory, and when I came out of the shower she was putting on a shirt, and I discovered the reason for the question: Victor had decided that he was going to be dressy today, and Anna felt the need to match his sartorial splendor!

These are the outfits they had came up with. I helped them put on the ties they had picked, but that was the only assistance I provided.

Anna needed to show off this paper doll cat she had created with boots, sunglasses, and other accessories.

These outfits are perfectly sensible for "active living week" at daycare, right?

1 comment:

  1. How right you are - they are creative those kids and furthermore how happy they look.
    Hat to you Mark!!


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