Sunday, June 02, 2013

Purring kittens

The three kitten stuffies are purring (with Victor and Anna making the sounds).

Now the kittens are excited!

I told Victor and Anna that they needed to clean their rooms and the living room before they could have screen time. This is the official weekend rule, although I must admit I haven't been consistent about enforcing it recently. Victor is great with rules, he just got down to business and did it. He even cleaned the living room without complaining that Anna wasn't helping, which is new. Well, he got distracted a lot, but he did a great job. Anna only cleaned her room when she realized, after dinner, that if she didn't get moving she wouldn't get any screen time at all. She did do a great job, and very fast too (I think less than 10 minutes). Victor probably took a couple of hours, but then Victor cleaned both his room and the living room, both were messier than Anna's room, and he got distracted a lot (I know he built several Lego structures at least).

Normally I have the kids put spinach in their fajitas where they don't really notice it, but Anna didn't do that (and I failed to notice at the time) and then was complaining that she didn't want to eat the spinach. I suggested that she could put stuff on the leaves and roll them like mini-fajitas and that was enough fun for her that I didn't have to push her too much more.

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