Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Victor was having a great time playing outside today at the daycare, usually I find him inside.

On the way to soccer.

Hadn't noticed this before but all of these ash trees are dead due to Emerald Ash Borer infestation. You can see the city has marked each for removal with a red X. It is sad.

Meanwhile, this tree had a severe girl infestation. Luckily this condition is generally not fatal.

Anna stayed in the tree almost the whole time, I don't think they let the kids climb so high at the daycare.

Victor meanwhile had fun playing soccer. He was wearing his shirt when we arrived, honest!

Anna ended up with a couple of tree-climbing ouchies. They were bleeding, so they got band-aids (that's the rule, no bleeding, no band-aid). She thought they looked like eyes, and of course the toes were the hair, so she had to add a nose and mouth.

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