Thursday, June 13, 2013

Grumpy Anna

Actually, she's not grumpy, it's just that she's just woken up and the bathroom lights are bright.

Anna decided she liked these. Until she decided she didn't. And I say “these” because I don't actually know what they are.

Nothing to say here, except that I like how this shot turned out. Not that I intended this effect.

Victor was cleaning up his plate because he wanted to dance. Of course, before he cleaned up he had to finish his bagel, which he did by shoving the remaining half in his mouth all it once. He's still chewing on it here.

First in line, Yay!

Victor and Anna are waiting for the alarm on the cute yellow car to go off, this has been one of their favorite schoolyard activities this week, they find it hilarious. And yes, the alarm fairly reliably goes off once every, oh, two minutes or so. I think it might be just a wee bit too sensitive.

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