Tuesday, June 04, 2013


The band at the daycare had a concert today. They did We Are Young. It was Fun.

When I told them that Victor's soccer was at the splash park this time, Anna insisted on putting on her bathing suit. I didn't actually believe she'd go into the water, it wasn't hot out, but she did! Perhaps partially due to the encouragement of her friend J at the right (manning the button) who happened to also be at the park.

The soccer games for Victor are actually starting to look like real soccer. Most of the game there was only one ball on the field and they did things like throw-ins when the ball went out. Here's Victor doing a throw-in.

Anna was determined to climb up the spiral slide from the bottom. It's pretty steep so it's pretty hard. Eventually she managed to do it!

Victor still rocks the monkey bars, he had to do a round before we left.

Victor lost another tooth today just as we left the daycare, here he is showing off both the tooth and the gap. When he was brushing his teeth I kept telling him that he'd missed brushing a tooth. Since he'd forgotten about the tooth at that point it was pretty entertaining.

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