Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

The kids let me sleep in as long as I wanted, which was wonderful. But when I got up (at 10:30, how decadent!) Victor was ready: he dashed downstairs and brought up his gift and card. Anna then decided that she needed to make me a card (I wasn't allowed to look!) and give me a gift (which was the sheep), and Victor decided to make another card to go with another gift, and so on.

Not all the cards and gifts are shown here. Eventually I told them that they were being far too generous... and had to stop.

Caity gave me a heart-melting Father's Day card (she actually gave it to me yesterday since she wasn't going to be around today).

Anna is always quick to hop in the tub when bathtime comes, but after taking out her hair clips she realized she absolutely needed to pause a moment to make a bunny.

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