Monday, June 03, 2013

Angry Birds Show

Before breakfast Anna started drawing Angry Birds pictures and said that we would have a show. She claimed Red, if I recall correctly, I definitely remember that Victor claimed the role of the Eggs, and that left me in the role of the Pig. She was not happy when I told her it would have to wait until everybody was completely ready to go, and only if there was time before school. Of course, there wasn't, so I said we had to do it when we all got home.

Eventually she remembered after we got home (probably after seeing the papers on the shelf where I'd put them), and quickly determined to finish the pictures so we could do the show. And we did the show, and it was great fun, but I didn't get any pictures of that of course. Despite the best efforts of the bad piggy, the angry birds won, although the eggs did end up in the frying pan first!

The flower in the foreground was picked by Anna sometime this weekend. Probably officially in the weed category, like the bouquet of dandelions we had the week before, but looks great (like the dandelions) on the dining table nonetheless!

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