Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Acceptable fruit

Anna decided blueberries were an acceptable breakfast fruit. I insist on fruit at breakfast but it's usually a struggle with Anna, and she spends a lot of time playing with her food instead of eating it. Of course, the blueberries did need to be arranged in a circle first, but the circle didn't last long.

Victor and Anna in discussion after a rainy evening at Victor's soccer. They both would have happily have stayed longer rain notwithstanding, Victor because he was having fun with soccer and Anna because she was having fun playing with me.

It was interesting today to be stopped by a second-grade girl (well, Victor mentioned that she was older in a higher grade, not sure how much) on our way out of after-school care who wanted to confirm with Victor that they would play the same game together tomorrow. And then at soccer a first-grade girl came up to me to ask where Victor was and after I pointed him out she proceeded to do a fair bit of running around with him. There are other girls that Victor plays with but usually it seemed to me that they're more Anna's friends that Victor's. Clearly that's not the case with these girls.

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