Sunday, June 30, 2013


While Anna was at a playdate Victor and I made pancakes.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Water fight

After some arguing about limited quantities of screen time, I remembered the correct answer: make them play outside. They were happy with this answer.

Well, after a bit they were playing on the porch, but that's pretty much just as good.

On the way to J's place, also known in our house as “home of the silly kids”. Not sure what the facial expressions are about, seems to bode trouble.

Indeed, shortly after we arrived there was water everywhere! And this was not the warmest day. Anna, who is usually first to get wet, decided to stay out of it.

Victor managed to tag C. At least, something like that seemed to have happened so that Victor got a turn. As usual, I wasn't quite clear on what the actual rules of the game were.

Arriving home.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Tired Anna

Anna naps in the hallway after a tiring day at camp.

Anna gets a few minutes of screen time...

...while Victor brushes his teeth.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Last day of school!

Last day of school! It was a “water day” for Anna, so she's in a swim suit. Yes, her top is backwards, I fixed that when we got to the school yard.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Last day of soccer

Victor saves!

Sigh. I guess it is a bath night.

Anna and a friend after spying one another across the field.

Victor made it up the goal posts on his own! And was perfectly comfortable dropping down afterwards.

And then Anna made it up too! But only after I said we were done and had to leave. Sigh. She didn't drop down by herself (despite my encouragement), so I helped her down.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Hoppy camouflage

White Hoppy is camouflaged! Come to think of it, so is the other Hoppy!

Meanwhile, Victor searches for Luke, who he can't find again. Maybe Luke is camouflaged too.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fun Fair

We had a little time in the schoolyard in the morning, so I pulled out the camera.

Victor on the slide at the Fun Fair.

And Anna!

In the bouncy castle.

Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse, when Victor turned to the dark side.

And when I turned around, nothing was left of Anna but a skeleton!

It is a little known fact that skeletons like to dance, but only when they have their own little tent to dance in.

It is also not widely known that Sith children like lollipops.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What drink is this anyway?

“You put the lime in the coconut!” This was the morning theme song, initiated by Anna, and they really got into it as we were leaving for school.

We stopped at Shoppers on the way home and they'd been good so I decided they could have ice cream on the way home.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Victor was having a great time playing outside today at the daycare, usually I find him inside.

On the way to soccer.

Hadn't noticed this before but all of these ash trees are dead due to Emerald Ash Borer infestation. You can see the city has marked each for removal with a red X. It is sad.

Meanwhile, this tree had a severe girl infestation. Luckily this condition is generally not fatal.

Anna stayed in the tree almost the whole time, I don't think they let the kids climb so high at the daycare.

Victor meanwhile had fun playing soccer. He was wearing his shirt when we arrived, honest!

Anna ended up with a couple of tree-climbing ouchies. They were bleeding, so they got band-aids (that's the rule, no bleeding, no band-aid). She thought they looked like eyes, and of course the toes were the hair, so she had to add a nose and mouth.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Ready for school

Victor is ready for school!

After her standard hug attack, L shows Anna what she's got.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

The kids let me sleep in as long as I wanted, which was wonderful. But when I got up (at 10:30, how decadent!) Victor was ready: he dashed downstairs and brought up his gift and card. Anna then decided that she needed to make me a card (I wasn't allowed to look!) and give me a gift (which was the sheep), and Victor decided to make another card to go with another gift, and so on.

Not all the cards and gifts are shown here. Eventually I told them that they were being far too generous... and had to stop.

Caity gave me a heart-melting Father's Day card (she actually gave it to me yesterday since she wasn't going to be around today).

Anna is always quick to hop in the tub when bathtime comes, but after taking out her hair clips she realized she absolutely needed to pause a moment to make a bunny.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The place to eat cake

We had a busy day today. It started with swimming lessons, then the daycare picnic, then my work pig roast, and then Kt took me (and her siblings) out for Father's day (since she won't be able to do it tomorrow).

Anna is considering what she needs to do next to build up her nest at the daycare picnic.

Victor has gotten himself wet enough that sand is sticking to him, but he's not willing to go into the water enough to effectively wash it off. In the end we used a napkin to get the majority of it off.

On the way to the pig roast, the kids were playing in the back seat with these stuffies. At a light I tried to get a shot but had only just gotten the camera activated by the time the light changed... so I looked at the road and just quickly and randomly took a few pictures without looking at where I was pointing the camera. This was the best one.

Victor and Anna on a swing at the Pig Roast.

After getting Anna a piece of cake, she decided she wasn't going to sit with me. I got the impression she just intended to stand. But when I looked back she was gone... and it seems this was where she decided would be the best place to eat her cake.

A little bit later she decided she should wear a helmet, so she stole one from the sumo suits.

You know, these sumo suits. At this points the kids had decided that the sumo people were going down. Luckily, I had gotten my sumo done before this showdown, it was great fun.

We had to wait a bit at the restaurant that Caity took us to. So I pulled out the camera.

Here's a picture of me and Anna.

Wait, here's a better picture. Anna isn't showing her tongue. Probably. She thought going upside down was hilarious.

Victor discovered how to switch to the front-facing camera on the phone.

Another picture of Caity and Victor, because I just can't resist it.

And here's a nice picture of myself and Caity. Anna!

This is the picture that Anna really wanted Victor to take.