Monday, May 06, 2013


I opened Anna's door and said “Good Morning!” to prod her to get up, but she asked me to close it again, she would get up in a little bit.

When I turned around, Victor had gotten dressed! Alright Victor! Note that while I did speculate that such behaviour might be a trend when Anna did it a while back, Anna only did it twice. I won't claim it is a trend with Victor yet.

Anna has dragged herself out of bed but it still half asleep. She seems to like to complete her wake-up process by watching me shave.

On the way to school, I turned around because Anna had stopped to pick up something colourful on the sidewalk (which turned out to be discarded chewing gum, yuck). But just as I finished admonishing her about picking up every random bit of garbage she sees on the ground (she does that a lot), I hear a gentle "Wow!" from Victor just ahead. While he was waiting he'd noticed this tree blooming across the street and was mesmerized. The rest of the block was all about the nature of that tree (why are the leaves like that, etc). Not that I know what type of tree it is, the scale isn't clear in the picture. The flowers on this tree are big, not like the blossoms on the trees you see in those Japanese pictures. Those are cherry blossoms, if I recall correctly, these are much bigger.

At this corner, Anna always presses both buttons. I've explained, but she doesn't care, and hey, it doesn't really matter.

Anna is explaining to some parents that she can ride her bike all by herself!

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