Thursday, May 09, 2013

Victor's Spring Concert

Anna decided to give some flowers to her best friend at school. I asked her how she thought her other best friend might feel, so she divided her bouquet in two. I believe that Victor in this picture is expressing concern because I always say that we have to keep moving on the way to school, and yet here I have asked them to stop so I can take this picture. A typical quote from me would be something like, “You don't have to go fast but you do have to keep moving forward.” We did make it to school with time to spare.

Victor was as usual amazing in the Spring Concert, clearly the most talented kid in the whole school. And I'm not biased at all. The choir did three songs. He clearly loved the singing, in particular the french song that he knew best.

His class did a dance, and Victor did everything with pizzazz. Where most other kids just went in circles, he did this fancy almost moon-walk-ish step that worked great with the movements. When I picked him up at daycare and complimented him on it, he showed me how he could do it forward, backwards, and sideways. Got to get that kid back in dance, he loves it!

Anna decided yesterday that she wanted to make a bed on the floor. She decided to do the same thing tonight when she saw her bedding still on the floor. I think I'll make her bed tomorrow when she's at school and see whether it occurs to her to go back onto the floor.

While I'm talking about yesterday, here's a quote from Victor yesterday that I meant to put in that entry but forgot: “When I grow up I want to make a Just Dance, but with Star Wars characters!” I'm misquoting, I'm sure, but that was the gist of it. Just Dance is a dancing game for the Wii that he plays at the daycare a lot.

This morning as Victor ate his regular breakfast apple, he asked something like, “Can I have an apple in my lunch, please? Apples taste so good!”. I had no objection to that at all. We've gone through pretty much every apple variety that the grocery store offers (maybe half a dozen varieties?), and he has settled on Golden Delicious as his favorite, at least for the last couple of months.

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