Saturday, May 04, 2013

J's Birthday Party at the Experimental Farm

Of course, I failed to get pictures of the cake or presents or singing Happy Birthday etc. But here are some pictures from other parts of our time at the Experimental Farm.

Anna instructs Victor on how to properly dig a hole to sit in, just like hers.

Anna noticed this little bit of wood sticking out of the sand and started digging it up by herself. But in typical Anna fashion in short order she had all these other kids helping her. Well, one of them is filling in the hole, but the rest are helping.

Yes, it is a chopped-off old support post with a cement footing. I didn't feel the need to explain that to them.

Anna insisted I take a picture of the bunny.

Anna collected flowers and then gave them to me. I told her I'd pick just two, one to go behind each ear. She was OK with that.

Victor is hamming up his ride on this horse.

Here Victor is being stealthy as part of some sort of game with at least S who was in front of me but out of view when I took this picture. Not sure if other kids were involved.

Anna has a bow and arrow, at least in her imagination.

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