Monday, May 27, 2013

Good first day

As I was shaving Anna-caterpillar made a cocoon, and then emerged from it as a butterfly. And when I referred to it as a cocoon, she referred to it as a chrysalis, which I thought was cool.

Anna decided to bring both Benny and Spotty Benny with her, I think she was a little stressed about the faster schedule that we were working to. After this shot she put them in her backpack because she's not supposed to have them out at school. I had just braided her hair on this rock as it was now apparent that I would have time. I had skipped that step at home because I wasn't sure how quickly I'd get the kids out the door and didn't want to be late on my first day.

While I did Anna's hair Victor decided to play hopscotch. We were early enough that the schoolyard was empty when we arrived (but not for long).

Victor is doing his homework in the evening, while Anna hangs out with him.

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