Saturday, May 25, 2013

Anna swimming

Anna has discovered the joy of stretching.

Meanwhile, Victor is playing with Lego.

Anna created what I called a "Benny Parade". These are all her “blankie” stuffies, and she decided to lay them all in sequence. Well, not all, she wasn't done yet and even in the end I don't think she found them all. She also decided that they all had Benny in their names, I'm not sure that was the case before this morning. I have a video of her telling me all the names, someday I'm going to automate videos like I've automated pictures so that I can put videos in posts with as little effort as pictures. Perhaps I'll update this entry with the video when I get around to that.

Even though apparently people are not supposed to take pictures at the pool I couldn't resist snapping a couple of shots when Anna made it from the edge of the pool (at the bottom of the picture) to the lane boundary (at the very top) and back almost entirely by herself.

Victor playing basketball with A during a playdate. The game was brief as Victor quickly decided he didn't want to play basketball, but I thought this shot looked good.

Meanwhile Anna spent probably a couple of hours, and maybe more, hanging out and crafting with KT's friend V out front during the tail of the garage sale. Anna loves V.

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