Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Anna decided to get dressed first thing this morning as well. Perhaps this is a trend. The clothes you see on the floor around her? All the options from which she is going to choose (or have myself or Victor choose).

The mountain is slowly disappearing! Yay spring! Good thing we're not getting up to 15cm more snow later this week. I don't know what is with their strange expressions.

What I do know is that Anna has a new favorite facial expression.

The main criteria is that her tongue should be sticking out. The muppet-style open mouth is optional.

She liked it so much she did it all the way to school. Ok, maybe not. But she did it a lot on the way!

On the way home from daycare, the Forest of Doom is now a required part of the path.

After that they decided that they needed to be stealthy, hiding behind every tree and dashing between them.

Except on the corner, waiting to cross the street.

Hey look, Anna isn't sticking out her tongue!

Oh, there it is.


And now she has Victor doing it!

So anyway, yes, they were hiding behind all the trees.

And dashing between them.

They thought this box was awesome to hide behind, because it was actually an effective hiding place. I thought it was awesome that I could just stick my hand over it to get a candid picture. Even though I was really quick, Anna noticed immediately!

Much shrieking ensued.

Now they're backtracking: they had headed up this street. “But we were following the path!”

Interesting that Victor exited to the crosswalk immediately at the line...

...while Anna only pivoted once she was off the “path”.

We were discussing music and Victor decided he need to show me his dance moves for “Beauty and the Beat”. Anna then of course had to show how she had different moves. Note that here they are dancing without the radio, since Victor wanted to show me his moves for that particular song.

It looked like so much fun that I decided I needed to dance too! But I decided to turn the music on.

First with Anna (picture by Victor).

Then with Victor (picture by Anna).

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