Sunday, April 21, 2013


I'm not sure I remember the circumstances of this picture, even though I certainly took it today. I think we must be taking shelter beside the house from a thermonuclear blast. I'll have to check the news. I mean, it is well into spring, if it were just sunny, it would be warm, right?

Victor announced that he does like it spicy, and proceeded to pretty much empty the jar of peppers into his fajita (yes, leftovers from friday). He did make sure to have milk on hand.

He must be thirsty, I don't think that's his first cup of milk.

Hmm, not hungry after only half a fajita? Normally he eats at least two! I guess he did fill up on pancakes at brunch.

Brunch was supposed to be breakfast but the kids wanted to help... for some reason it took way longer than usual. The kids are pros at measuring flour etc properly but are working on their egg cracking skills.

Anna was still eating long after Victor was done. Perhaps this is due to the fact that she sees monsters in her fajitas.

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