Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Brick

When I arrived at the daycare, this is what Anna was doing. My understanding is that they were pretending to be puppies, and not that she was being dragged around like in one of those Westerns. Sure looked like the latter to me, though.

They found a brick in the Dark Forest of Doom (the forest seems to have acquired an extra adjective).

They decided they had to share the burden.

And then they had to run.

Almost home, they're still carrying it.

They didn't play with it at home, though, they decided to rediscover all their porch toys.

And then Anna remembered the bubbles she'd acquired at school (no idea why she was given bubbles and a yo-yo at school). Anna is trying to pop the bubbles as Victor blows them.

Anna's turn to blow bubbles while Victor pops.

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