Monday, April 08, 2013

Must dance!

Victor was downstairs playing when I got out of the shower... Anna was still in bed. So I shaved... Anna was still in bed. So I dressed... Anna was still in bed. This never happens. “Good morning Anna, it's time for breakfast!” Small muffled voice from deep in the blankets: “I'll come down in a little while.” I decided to let her come down on her own time. And indeed shortly later, there she is, triumphant: she is already dressed! Didn't catch her "ta-da" moment on camera, this pic is a little later. Normally dressing is scheduled after breakfast and brushing teeth so the pyjamas have the food and toothpaste risk, but hey, she clearly figured that she need to make up time and I'll take that sort of thinking over strict adherence to protocol any day!

It is time for Victor to make his sandwich, but a favorite song is on the radio, so he must dance.

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