Thursday, April 11, 2013

Luke is in the House

Anna: “Luke, do you want to live in this house?” Victor: ”Yes, and I will be your humble servant.” I don't remember Luke being particularly humble. No idea where Victor got that turn of speech. This play is the compromise they arrived at after Victor invaded Anna's room wanting her to play Lego Star Wars but she didn't want to do that, she wanted him out. So he said she wasn't allowed in his room either, and she said she wouldn't be his friend anymore. This is a few minutes later, clearly they have worked it out.

Now there is a party in the house. Victor is telling me: "Luke is also in it!"

Snowsuits again, sigh.

There are two closets in Caity's room and she's only using one, so she made this cozy nest for Victor and Anna in the empty one. It was a hit.

Last night Victor “was having bad thoughts” (this is how he describes having a bad dream) as he was falling asleep. He lost some Lego under something and couldn't get it back. Yes, this counts as a nightmare for Victor. I tried to find Wafflebear for him (he hasn't slept with a stuffy regularly since he was a toddler) but we couldn't find him. The “hugging heart” as Victor calls it does in a pinch however, he gets a hug all night long. The hugging heart was still on his bed tonight so I snapped a picture (Victor decided to sleep with it again).

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