Sunday, April 07, 2013


Anna: “Can you wrap me up again?” Victor: “I have no feet!”

To Victor, it is a lightsaber. To Anna, it is a trumpet.

“You can't cut off my head, I'm a good guy.”

Anna with long pink hair. I'd been reading one of Victor's school library books to him, so I think she was feeling the lack of attention, and she was hamming it up with growling and hissing. I asked her whether she was one of the feared Pink Tigers of Nepal, and she thought that was a great idea. But when I turned the camera on her to catch the ferocity, all I got was smiles.

A little encouragement brought forth a fierce feline frenzy. Unfortunately the fell Pink Tiger of Nepal moves too fast to catch a good shot!

If I recall correctly, she's pretending to be a happy kitten here.

Victor is amused. I'm not sure what he's laughing at.

Now that the camera is on him, however, he needs to show me his Jedi moves.

Victor found this calendar somewhere and felt the need to show me that today was April 7.

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