Friday, April 19, 2013

Balance bike

Victor mastered riding a bike last year, and certainly didn't forget. Although I had told him a couple weeks ago about the expression “it's like riding a bike”, that the expression had arisen because once you learn to ride a bike you never forget. So when he first rode his bike this year and promptly fell down, he said, “Dad! You told me I wouldn't forget!” He was very indignant. I don't remember how I responded, but I think he was thinking it over in his own head anyway and didn't hear me. He then said that he'd try again and had no issues since. Anyway, that was monday, the goal now is to get Anna riding without training wheels, and to that end I borrowed a balance bike for the weekend. We're on the driveway which has a gentle slope so Anna can see how far she can go with her feet off the ground.

Anna was doing something on her own near the house, but Victor raised the alarm: “Anna, save me!” Apparently this is the rescue process.

Anna finished her fajitas and decided she wanted just a bit more beef. I thought I'd capture the fact that she likes to add Frank's Original Red Hot Sauce. I'll also note that the beef already has medium-hot Taco sauce in it. Victor “doesn't like it spicy”, which means he'll have fajitas with the beef and medium spicy salsa and sometimes hot banana pepper slices, but he won't add the Frank's.

They insisted I take a picture after we did the bedtime reading. They pretended to sleep.

I have no idea how Victor got that scrape on his nose... and neither does he, which is typical Victor. I love Victor's expression here, which is also typical Victor!

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