Sunday, April 14, 2013

Art this week

I found some art from earlier this week when tidying today.

When I went in to the daycare to pick the kids up on thursday, I first saw Anna and L working on this. L was drawing on the left page and Anna was working on the right. Anna has been into making books like this for a while and recently most of her art seems to be a collaborative effort.

Here is the clothespin butterfly on the cover of the book.

After admiring Anna's and L's work, I looked around for Victor but couldn't see him anywhere. So I scanned a little more carefully and saw him at an art table, drawing! Not where he is usually to be found. When I looked, he was working on a picture of Angry Bird Luke, and then drew a Piggy Darth Vader and the other figure which I don't remember what it was. I moved the sticker to approximately where it was on that day to take this picture. I wonder whether the boy with the book of Angry Birds stickers is what attracted him to the art area. That boy was drawing at another table.

This is how it was when I found it today. I guess Victor wasn't happy with his rendition of Luke?

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