Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Anna in the box

As I'm shaving, I hear a bedroom door open, and then “Dad, did you get the hand out?”

Victor, as he was going to bed, wanted to get the detached hand of this Lego minifigure out of the screw-hole in the Millenium Falcon where it had ended up stuck. I had promised I would do it. Clearly it was on his mind as he awoke and here he is showing the hand (which you can't see because it is tiny) and the screw-hole in question.

When I went downstairs this is how I found Anna. I think she's part kitten. The balloons and the box are detritus from KT's birthday party.

At school, the play structure was finally open. I have no idea how these bars are supposed to be utilized, but this is what she and a few other kids were doing.

And she had to do it backwards too.

I think I'm finally getting the hang of doing braids, although I certainly have a lot of room for improvement.

Anna refused to wear her coat on the way home but decided she didn't want to get wet. At this point she is saying, ”Trees! Trees! Trees!” as she dashes forward to take cover under the next tree. Although most of the trees are deciduous and so don't provide much cover. I did offer her coat many times, but she didn't want it.

Just after we entered the house and Anna had emptied her backpack, she started singing:

“Space Unicorn sailing through the sky
Delivering the mail
All around the world”

She has a little brightly coloured unicorn figure that she calls the space unicorn, and she was telling all about the story (she said movie) of the space unicorn and the bad guy that wanted to get her and so on. I don't know whether any of this material came from an actual movie or show or whether it all just came out of her imagination.

I told them they couldn't assemble their army on the stairway landing. They promptly moved into the stairway closet.

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