Monday, April 01, 2013

Angry Birds Lego Star Wars

Victor and Anna playing Angry Birds Star Wars Lego. Or is that Lego Angry Birds Star Wars? As far as I can tell, Lego mini-figure heads are used as piggies, heads+bodies as birds (so Luke can have his lightsaber), the piggy structures are built with Lego (of course!), and the slingshot part is all via pretend.

Anna managed to find her long-lost Benny tonight. Benny was hiding behind another stuffie on one of Victor's bookshelves. We did look there, of course (we looked everywhere!), but Benny is sufficiently low-volume that nobody thought to actually move that bear to see if Benny was behind it. I think that everyone in this house — myself, Caity, Anna, and Victor — all searched that bookshelf. The last Benny sighting was more than a week ago, and I suspect Benny (with Anna's help) hid behind that bear within an hour of her appearance in that photo. Anna dealt well with the loss but was clearly more stressed and less secure without the reassuring presence of Benny. Anna has said, frequently, "Benny is love."

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