Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Pink Team, snowball fights, jackets, and naps

Anna came to me in the morning and asked me if I wanted to be on the Pink Team. Apparently sitting on this mat means you're on the Pink Team. That mat is the perfect size for two 5-year-olds to sit... not so much a 5-year-old and an adult. But she was entertained nonetheless.

Since it was such a nice day, I decided we needed to get outside, and since I psychologically can't just "take a walk" but need to actually have a destination, we went to the Subway that's about a kilometre away for lunch. The journey turned into a running snowball fight all the way there, and since that was so much fun we did it all the way back too.

Victor putting on his jacket when we were at D&S's place.

Wait a minute, that's not Victor!

Anna was really tired and made herself a bed on the trampoline. Despite her strong philosophical objections to sleeping, Lily decided that since Anna was sleeping it'd be ok for her too.

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