Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Royal breakfast

Their royal highnesses at breakfast.

When I picked Anna up from daycare, she was tired, so she decided to make herself a little bed for a nap... in the snowbank.

Meanwhile, Victor created a droid factory.

"My name is Anna, and I approve this supper."

"My name is Victor, and I refuse to even look up long enough to acknowledge the existence of other people while I eat this supper."

I had a meeting in the evening as the kids were going to bed, and so I changed into a more business-like shirt. Anna followed me up to the attic and found some shoes that were in a pile to be passed onto others in the clothing chain. I'm not sure these shoes are going to be passed on any time soon. And I'm also not sure what this at-attention-with-eyes-closed pose is all about, but she sure liked doing it.

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