Thursday, March 21, 2013

Not the morning creep

Today was not the day, but someday I am going to capture of picture of Anna's “morning creep”, how she stealthily creeps into the middle of the hallway like a soldier crawling low to stay under enemy fire, except much more cheerful and far more adorable*. I only notice her as peripheral movement out of the corner of my eye as I'm shaving. I was not stealthy picking up the camera (had to go into my office to get it) so the hamming-it-up started long before I could capture a picture. And anyway, she'd pretty much finished her creep, having headed to Victor's room to check out what he was doing.

And he's playing with Lego. Quelle surprise.

Here is a close-up of my finger in a glove. Also a picture of Victor and Anna on the way to school.

*Well, I have no military experience, so I can't say for sure that Anna is more cheerful or adorable than soldiers crawling under enemy fire.

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