Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Balloon battle

Victor and Anna started out the day with a balloon battle. Victor had the big balloons and Anna had all the little balloons (that's a balloon in her hand). I would say "Of course Anna had the little balloons", and she probably would have picked the smaller balloons anyway, but she's been collecting balloons for some time so she has many balloons that are low on air and are, therefore, small. Victor, on the other hand, has balloons only because I blew up a bunch on the weekend because Caity held a little birthday party for a friend of hers.

When he got home Victor found it amusing to create a "Mr Nobody" who had no face. Strangely enough, not Star Wars themed. And he actually asked whether we could look at Harry Potter Lego! Star Wars is no longer the centre of his universe?! What is the world coming to?

Meanwhile Anna created a little nest at the bottom of the stairs. Note the tiny little ponytail that she absolutely insisted that I create in the middle of her forehead this morning, and then insisted that I fix as soon as I arrived to pick her up at daycare.

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