Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Anna and the tomato factory

Victor and Anna really enjoyed their first band practice at daycare. The song they are learning is We are Young by FUN, with some of the lyrics tweaked to be more appropriate for the daycare demographic. They had fun singing all the way home. I sure hope nobody in the neighbourhood was trying to sleep.

When we got home, Anna noticed the basket of grape tomatos on the counter. She set up a Tomato Eating Factory:

Pick up two tomatos.

Wash them.

Put the washed tomatos on this plate.

Dry hands.


And repeat. For, oh, half the basket or so.

Meanwhile, Victor was in the Droid Factory. Not nearly as nutritious.

Just before supper Anna replaced her watch battery. I showed her how to undo the first screw, and she undid the rest, took out the old battery, put in the new one, and put the back of the watch back on. She attempted to put the screws back in but had trouble with it, so I finished that part. She was very keen to do it all herself.

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