Thursday, March 28, 2013


In the morning Anna made a nest it the “corner of the stairs” again.

Victor and I discussed what he was doing the Lego, I don't remember what it was about, but I'm glad I thought to catch of picture of him so animated.

On the way home from daycare, they're both singing We are Young again. It helped that I'd put the song on my phone to prompt them. We arrive home relatively quickly, singing the song kept them moving.

Anna was pretty tired, and soon put herself to bed. Later I took her temperature, finding it to be 102. So she seems to be fighting something.

Here is image 9365 of Victor playing with his Lego.

We had fajitas for dinner, which is a favorite for everyone. The burger in the small frying pan is a veggie burger for Caity, she cuts them into strips for her fajitas.

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