Sunday, February 10, 2013


I took Victor and Anna skating for their first time today. Now, I have no idea how to teach people to skate, I was never taught, just figured it out for myself. So I figured I would just give them standard balance/stability advice for pretty much any sport and see how they did: "Keep your knees a little bent to give you better balance reaction and keep your balance forward so that you don't fall backwards, it hurts less to fall forwards." They both took some hard falls but seemed to have a lot of fun.

Anna did great, pretty much what I had been considering the "best case scenario": she had fun, she got comfortable standing around and moving slowly on her skates, and at the end she was having fun with me pulling her around at an intermediate speed.

Victor was awe-inspiring: after a small amount of hand-holding, he was off skating back and forth on his own, having a blast. Does this look like a someone skating for the first time?

The incentive was that every time they went between the snow banks they had a free shot on me with a snowball. They thought this was awesome. It was adorable that they were both very careful to only hit me in the snowpants. I remember fondly the no-holds-barred snowball fights of my youth (not that there were many of those in the temperate climate where I grew up), but appreciate that they are both sensitive enough to be so careful without having been given any such restriction by me.

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