Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy faces

After Victor spread mustard on the bread slice for his sandwich, he picked up the slice and took a bite. I think he was on autopilot, he'd just eaten a piece of toast. I fell victim to the same issue, as for some reason I cut his sandwich into four, just like I'd done to his toast, rather than just two pieces as I normally do. Running out of bagels clearly threw us both off our game.

On the way to school, we noticed that someone had drawn a happy face in the snow on one of the cars we went by. Victor and Anna had to do it too... on every single car we passed afterwards. Victor, of course, would never take off his mittens, because then he'd be cold.

Anna, on the other hand, needed a precision smiley face, and so had to take off a mitten. Strangely enough, this made her hand cold, every single time.

After school, there was a birthday in Anna's kinder group in daycare, and each child ended up with a balloon creation. Victor is holding Anna's here, a flower with a ladybug. I though that was pretty cool. In typical Anna form, Anna also ended up with an extra balloon creation, the hat that the guy making the balloons was wearing. It's not that she demands extra stuff, it's just that people seem to end up convinced that she should have it. She's going to be dangerous when she's older.

While supper was cooking Anna found some foam stickers from Valentine's day. She decided that she and Victor should show me their love by putting all the stickers on me; these are the stickers that Anna stuck on my arm.

Victor decided that it'd be better to stick his sticker on my desk in front of my keyboard, because then I'd be reminded every day.

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