Thursday, March 29, 2012

Victor reads a book

Cover to cover. I am so proud. I've had him read bits and pieces before, but I haven't pushed him to keep working through the entire book like we did before bed tonight. Yes, Watch Your Step, Mr. Rabbit! is beginner reader but he is just in kindergarten.

Lyne tells me that he's even better at reading in french — he is in french immersion so that would be logical.

As a reward I read him the Pluto pages in the Jumbo Book of Space; he was excited to explain to me how people thought that Pluto was a real planet but then realized that it wasn't. The book covered that but we've discussed it before... and Victor never seems to forget anything about space. It occurs to me that since he read me the first book he technically didn't get a bonus book.

Speaking of Victor's obsession with space, he was explaining to me earlier today that SpaceX's Falcon Heavy must be for travelling to other planets, because clearly the Falcon 9 is adequate for travelling to the International Space Station. The Falcon Heavy is basically three Falcon 9's strapped together. This was rather out of the blue, since the last time I discussed the SpaceX programs with him was over a month ago. Admittedly SpaceX has been a popular subject in this household in the past.

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