Friday, February 03, 2012

Anna, involuntary napper

Anna will never voluntarily nap. But after school, if you get her into the right circumstances, napping is pretty much inevitable.

In this instance, Victor was at Beavers and Anna was playing in my office. She climbed onto my lap and was singing (Joey, her little stuffed cow, was dancing to the song), and she started “reading” the Economist that was on the desk (turning the pages and looking at the pictures). After a couple of minutes of this it occurred to me to transfer her to the chair in the corner and put the sweater over her... she was happy with this (except Joey had to be above the sweater, not under it), and kept reading and singing (and Joey kept dancing)... she likes looking at magazines. I went back to my computer and continued doing whatever I was doing for a while with her singing in the background. At some point I noticed her singing had stopped and I took this picture. This chair seems to be a pretty happy napping place for her.

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