Thursday, January 26, 2012

Victor the hungry

In the past few months the “bedtime snack” has started to become a ritual. At first when Victor started to complain “But I'm hungry!” just before bed we took it as a bedtime delay tactic... but it has become clear that he really is hungry, and we've started to ask him “are you hungry?” before he brushes his teeth.

For example, last night he ate well at dinner, having three good servings of meat tortellini (I ate a lot and he ate more than I did). But nonetheless, just before teeth-brushing time, I asked him, “Victor, are you hungry?” He said, “oh, yes” and proceeded to eat a yoghurt, an applesauce, a cheese stick, a granola bar, two cookies, and a glass of milk, only pausing to assert “I'm still hungry!” after each.

Forget about putting away money for university when he becomes an adult, we've got to start saving for groceries when he turns into a teenager...

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