Saturday, December 17, 2011

Victor's Winter concert

Victor's school had their Winter concert yesterday. This is Victor singing and performing actions with his class. Again, a shot grabbed from a video, so again I apologize for the poor resolution.

Anyway, he had this grin through both songs: he absolutely loves this stuff.

He always has. See, on the left is Victor from last year's winter concert: doesn't he look happy? He sure likes those bells in his hand. Oh, that picture's not so good, how about this one on the right.

Wait, in that last picture, what is happening to his bells? Oh no, the string broke!

His bells went everywhere.

This is what Victor looked like for the rest of that song last year.

Poor guy. He was heartbroken over losing his bells and didn't know what to do.

Luckily, no such disasters this year, no bells were harmed (well, no bells were involved), no disasters occurred, and Victor and his class put in a great performance.

Posted by Mark

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